Christmas Lentil Bake




Adjust Servings:
2 garlic cloves crushed
1 red onion diced
3 small carrots diced
2 parsnips diced
2 celery stalks diced
250g mushrooms finely chopped
2 cans precooked green lentils
1 sprig rosemary finely chopped
small handful thyme chopped
1/2 cup buckwheat flour
6 tbsp tomato puree optional topping
2 tbsp maple syrup optional topping
3 tbsp tamari optional topping
salt & pepper



Heat a pan with olive oil and add the garlic, onion, carrots, parsnips, celery, mushrooms salt and pepper and cook together for 5 minutes until softened


Meanwhile drain and rinse the tinned lentils


(optional extra) Make the tomato sauce topping by mixing the 6tbsp tomato puree, 2 tbsp maple syrup and 2 tbsp Tamari Sauce in a bowl


Once the veg is cooked add to a food processor along with the drained lentils and blend for 30 seconds


Transfer the mix to a bowl and add the rosemary, thyme, 1 tbsp tamari, 1/2 cup buckwheat flour and pinch of salt & pepper and mix


Place the mix into a small baking dish and top with the tomato sauce (optional)


Place in the Panasonic oven for 50 minutes at 210°C.

TIP: This gets even better the next day so for Christmas you could always make it the day before, store it in the fridge overnight and just reheat in the Panasonic oven on Christmas Day!


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Adjust Servings:
2 garlic cloves crushed
1 red onion diced
3 small carrots diced
2 parsnips diced
2 celery stalks diced
250g mushrooms finely chopped
2 cans precooked green lentils
1 sprig rosemary finely chopped
small handful thyme chopped
1/2 cup buckwheat flour
6 tbsp tomato puree optional topping
2 tbsp maple syrup optional topping
3 tbsp tamari optional topping
salt & pepper