Apple & Nut Loaf Recipe

  • 10 votes, average: 3.30 out of 510 votes, average: 3.30 out of 510 votes, average: 3.30 out of 510 votes, average: 3.30 out of 510 votes, average: 3.30 out of 5 3.30 (10 Ratings)
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  • 5 hrs
  • Easy Easy
  • Contains NutsVegetarian
  • Breadmaker



Sweet, moist apple-flavoured bread with mixed nuts.



Adjust Servings:
1 tsp dry yeast
300g bread flour
1 tsp salt
20g honey
20g butter
2 grated apples
1 tbsp lemon juice
100ml milk
60ml water
15g chopped hazelnuts
15g chopped walnuts
15g chopped lengthways blanched almonds
20g currants

NOTE: the recipe ingredient amounts are not suitable for the Mini Breadmaker SD-PN100



Put the yeast into the yeast dispenser and the currants and nuts into the raisin & nut dispenser. Add the rest of the ingredients into the bread pan, in the order listed.
Tip: You may change to any kinds of nuts you like; just follow the weight of the recipe.


Select the WHOLE WHEAT Menu and the RAISIN function (currants and nuts will be automatically added).


Remove the loaf from the bread pan.


Leave the loaf to cool before serving.


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Adjust Servings:
1 tsp dry yeast
300g bread flour
1 tsp salt
20g honey
20g butter
2 grated apples
1 tbsp lemon juice
100ml milk
60ml water
15g chopped hazelnuts
15g chopped walnuts
15g chopped lengthways blanched almonds
20g currants

NOTE: the recipe ingredient amounts are not suitable for the Mini Breadmaker SD-PN100