Steamed Root Vegetables with Tahin Dressing




Adjust Servings:
1 bunch of radishes
2 yellow turnips
4 (violet) carrots
1 kohlrabi
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 small garlic clove
1/2 bunch parsley
1/2 bunch coriander
1/2 tl ground cumin
1 tsp salt
100g tahin
2 lemons

NOTE: the recipe ingredient amounts are not suitable for the Mini Breadmaker SD-PN100



Halve the radishes. Peel the turnips, carrots and kohlrabi and cut into small pieces (about 2x2 cm). Mix on the glass insert of the steam combi microwave oven with olive oil and salt.


Cook the vegetables in the steam combination microwave oven with combi cooking (steam 1 and 440 W microwave power) for 20 minutes until firm to the bite.


In the meantime, peel the garlic and mix with parsley, coriander, ground cumin, salt, tahin, the juice of both lemons and 150 ml of cold water to a creamy dip.


Arrange vegetables and drizzle with Tahin dip.


Tip: If you like the dip more liquid, add a dash of water.


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Adjust Servings:
1 bunch of radishes
2 yellow turnips
4 (violet) carrots
1 kohlrabi
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 small garlic clove
1/2 bunch parsley
1/2 bunch coriander
1/2 tl ground cumin
1 tsp salt
100g tahin
2 lemons

NOTE: the recipe ingredient amounts are not suitable for the Mini Breadmaker SD-PN100