Small Wholemeal Bread with Seeds Recipe

  • 7 votes, average: 4.71 out of 57 votes, average: 4.71 out of 57 votes, average: 4.71 out of 57 votes, average: 4.71 out of 57 votes, average: 4.71 out of 5 4.71 (7 Ratings)
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  • 3 hrs
  • Easy Easy
  • Vegetarian
  • SD-PN100



This Wholemeal Bread with Seeds combines the hearty flavors of wholemeal and Manitoba flours with the added crunch and nutrients of mixed seeds, all made effortlessly in the SD-PN100 breadmaker. Perfect for sandwiches, toast, or enjoying on its own, this bread is a nutritious and delicious addition to any meal.



1 tsp dry yeast
150g strong wholemeal flour
100g strong manitoba flour
15g butter
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
180ml water
1 tbsp mixed seeds



Place the ingredients in the breadmaker in the given order, adding the water last.


Start program 5.


At the end of the kneading phase, before rising, add mixed seeds to taste on the surface of the bread.


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1 tsp dry yeast
150g strong wholemeal flour
100g strong manitoba flour
15g butter
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
180ml water
1 tbsp mixed seeds