Pain d’épices



Christmas treats are one of our traditions, and pain d’épices is is an absolute essential!



Adjust Servings:
100g wholewheat flour
50g durum wheat flour
10g cornflour
1/4 sachet of cream of tartar
1 pinch of bicarbonate of soda
1/2 an orange
80g raw cane sugar
35g sunflower oil
75g soya milk
35g almonds
1 cinnamon stick
2 cloves
1/2 a nutmeg
1 star anise
1 cardamom pod
1 teaspoon ground ginger
bitter orange marmalade for glazing



Pre-heat oven to 180°C. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl.


In the mixer, crush the almonds to a fine grain, to add to the dry ingredients.


Use the stick blender to blend the orange to a paste. Add the sugar, oil, soya milk and spices, and mix well.


Incorporate the wet ingredients with the dry using a spatula. Oil a rectangular baking tray and fill with the mixture. Bake for 30 minutes in the combined steam+convection oven at 170°C. Then give it another 20 minutes’ cooking at 170°C in the convection oven.


Remove the cake from the oven and turn it out of the tin to cool on a rack. Once it is cool, brush the surface of the spice bread with warmed orange marmalade to glaze it.


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Adjust Servings:
100g wholewheat flour
50g durum wheat flour
10g cornflour
1/4 sachet of cream of tartar
1 pinch of bicarbonate of soda
1/2 an orange
80g raw cane sugar
35g sunflower oil
75g soya milk
35g almonds
1 cinnamon stick
2 cloves
1/2 a nutmeg
1 star anise
1 cardamom pod
1 teaspoon ground ginger
bitter orange marmalade for glazing

Martino Beria

Martino Beria

Martino Beria is an Italian chef, graduated in Food Science and Gastronomy, specialized in plant based cuisine. He is also an author and consultant for restaurants and food companies.