


Il Rossini è un cocktail delizioso e fresco a base di purea di fragole e prosecco. Il drink ideale per un aperitivo leggero e per chi adora i coctkail fruttati.



Adjust Servings:
1/3 di purea di fragole fresche
2/3 di prosecco freddo



Lavare per bene le fragole ed eliminarne il picciolo. Tagliarle grossolanamente, inserirle nello Slow Juicer e frullare. Trasferirne la purea ottenuta in una brocca stretta e alta.


Versare la purea nel bicchiere da portata nelle dosi indicate, aggiungere il prosecco e servire decorando a piacere.


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Adjust Servings:
1/3 di purea di fragole fresche
2/3 di prosecco freddo

Roberto Valbuzzi

Roberto Valbuzzi

Born in Varese, Italy on the 1st of July 1989, chef and restaurateur Roberto Valbuzzi considers himself born into the profession since his family has always run the well-known Crotto Valtellina restaurant in Malnate, Italy. His grandparents have an organic farm in Mornago, where Roberto learned to appreciate the flavours of traditional dishes and family recipes, developing a great passion for cooking and local fresh produce. Rounding out his CV are a diploma from catering school, extensive experience in restaurants abroad and hard work in foodservice, which have all combined inspired him to build on traditional cuisine through study and the creation of new dishes in line with his cooking philosophy. A contemporary, honest cuisine focused on seasonality and ingredients.