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Homemade Pasta with Jerusalem Artichokes and Brussels Sprouts Recipe



This homemade pasta first course contains two winter ingredients that work together beautifully: Jerusalem artichokes and Brussels sprouts. If you have never tried them together, this is the perfect opportunity!



Adjust Servings:
200g homemade fresh pasta (tagliolini, tagliatelle)
300g jerusalem artichokes
200g brussels sprouts
2 leaves of Tuscan cavolo nero tuscan
extra virgin olive oil
fine sale
black pepper

NOTE: the recipe ingredient amounts are not suitable for the Mini Breadmaker SD-PN100



Cook the Jerusalem artichokes in a steam oven or steamer for 60 minutes until soft.


With a bread maker, kneading machine or by hand, prepare the dough for the fresh pasta, adding water and flour until the dough is firm and does not break when stretched.


Using an immersion blender, blend the steamed Jerusalem artichokes to a creamy consistency.


Cook the pasta in water and, while it is cooking, chop the Brussels sprouts finely and sautée them in a pan on a high heat for 30 seconds.


Once the Brussels sprouts are sautéed, crisp up the cavolo nero in a frying pan with a little oil and salt.


Serve the pasta with Jerusalem artichokes by pouring a layer of creamed Jerusalem artichoke in the base of a soup bowl, adding a curl of fresh pasta, a sprinkling of sautéed sprouts and the toasted cavolo nero leaf, seasoning it all with black pepper and raw oil.


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Adjust Servings:
200g homemade fresh pasta (tagliolini, tagliatelle)
300g jerusalem artichokes
200g brussels sprouts
2 leaves of Tuscan cavolo nero tuscan
extra virgin olive oil
fine sale
black pepper

NOTE: the recipe ingredient amounts are not suitable for the Mini Breadmaker SD-PN100

Martino Beria

Martino Beria

Martino Beria is an Italian chef, graduated in Food Science and Gastronomy, specialized in plant based cuisine. He is also an author and consultant for restaurants and food companies.